Product Development Literature Written or Coauthored by Preston Smith



Over a period of 27 years, Preston wrote numerous pieces on product development in a variety of media. Former clients and students from his public workshops sometimes request these pieces. Here they all are. Please help yourself; I hope that they will improve the techniques you use to develop new products.

 These are organized by the publication medium and then usually chronologically, either oldest first or most recent first. If you encounter any errors, please report them.

  • Flexible Product Development: This is Preston's latest material; although it is moving like wildfire in software development, it has been slow to catch on in hardware development (book)                                   

  • Proactive Risk Management: An  award- winning book that covers project risk management for product development or other types of project

  • Developing Products in Half the Time: The classic in time to market (book)

  • Articles published in professional journals and magazines

  • Book reviews on topics related to leading-edge product development topics

  • Chapters contributed to handbooks

  • Quick Tip series: (an email addressing just one timely topic, sent to all clients and former students eight times a year for ten years)

  • PDBPR columns: Contributed to Management Roundtable's Product Development Best Practices Report

  • Interviews: Often given at a venue when I was there to speak at a conference or lead a workshop                                             

These publications appear in one of three formats:

  • Text appears directly on our Web page if the item is short enough

  • We provide a file in PDF format for you to download or read

  • We offer a link to the site of the original publisher if the piece is still  available on the Web. This is the least desirable, because Web pages tend to have a short life
